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tasty and crunchy

Our Great Chefs

at the beating heart of the Sheppey that is the kitchen, you will find this bunch of heroes.

Tom Ollis
Head Chef

Tom is a highly skilled and passionate head chef with over 10 years of experience in the culinary industry. He specializes in creating unique and innovative dishes that push the boundaries of traditional cuisine. Tom's passion for food is evident in every dish he prepares, as he takes great care in sourcing the fresh local ingredients and experimenting with new flavors and techniques. He is constantly seeking inspiration from different cultures and cuisines to inspire his creations. Under his leadership, the kitchen at the Sheppey Inn has become known for its delicious and visually stunning dishes, earning it recognition as one of the best restaurants in Godney. He is always seeking new ways to delight and inspire his diners, and his passion for food shines through in every meal he serves.

Oisin Russell
Commis Chef

Meet Oisin, a young and ambitious commis chef who got bored of flipping burgers at a popular chain of burger restaurants, and decided to take his culinary career to the next level. Oisin started his culinary journey working in fast-food restaurants where he quickly became proficient at making burgers, chicken and fries. However, he quickly realized that his true passion was in creating gourmet dishes and decided to pursue it as a career.</p> <p>He quickly realized thathe wanted a more creative and challenging position. He was particularly interested in learning new techniques, experimenting with new flavors and ingredients, and creating delicious and visually stunning dishes.</p> <p>As a commis chef, Oisin is responsible for assisting the more experienced chefs in the kitchen, preparing ingredients, and learning the ins and outs of kitchen operations. He is dedicated to his craft and is constantly seeking new inspiration to create dishes that are both delicious and visually stunning. He is also a team player and enjoys working closely with his colleagues to improve their skills and create delicious dishes.</p> <p>With his passion for food and his drive to succeed, Oisin is a valuable asset to the restaurant and a rising star in the culinary world. He is determined to progress in the world of cooking and achieve his goals.

Jack McArdel
Chef De Partie

Jack McArdle is a rising culinary star known for his innovative approach to fresh food, desserts, and spices. His passion for cooking began in his childhood, inspired by family meals and the vibrant produce from his grandparents' garden. This early exposure instilled in him a deep appreciation for fresh, farm-to-table ingredients.</p> <p>Jack's formal culinary journey started at the prestigious Culinary Institute of America, where he refined his skills and developed a fascination with spices. Graduating with honors, he gained experience in renowned kitchens worldwide, absorbing diverse culinary traditions and techniques. This global influence is evident in his dishes, which blend various cultural flavors into harmonious creations.</p> <p>Specializing in desserts, Jack's creations are celebrated for their artistic presentation and balanced flavors. Each dessert is a story, often drawing inspiration from his travels and childhood, crafted with the precision of a true artist. His restaurant, ``Spice & Sweet,`` showcases his unique culinary vision, emphasizing fresh ingredients, bold spices, and exquisite desserts.</p> <p>Jack's work has earned him numerous accolades, including the Rising Star Chef Award and features in top culinary magazines. Beyond the kitchen, he is a passionate advocate for sustainable cooking and local sourcing, frequently collaborating with local farmers and participating in community initiatives to promote healthy eating habits and support local agriculture.</p> <p>Despite his young age, Jack McArdle's impact on the culinary world is profound. His innovative spirit and dedication to his craft continue to inspire aspiring chefs and food enthusiasts alike. Whether crafting a complex dessert or experimenting with a new spice blend, Jack is redefining modern cuisine one dish at a time.<br /> Edward enrolled in a culinary apprenticeship program, where he learned the basics of kitchen operations and honed his culinary skills. He quickly realized that the fast-paced and creative nature of the culinary industry was a perfect fit for him. He was particularly interested in learning new techniques, experimenting with new flavors and ingredients, and creating delicious and visually stunning dishes.</p> <p>Despite his lack of experience, Edward's passion and drive quickly proved his capabilities in the kitchen, He was eager to learn and was always willing to take on additional responsibilities.</p> <p>As an apprentice chef, Edward is responsible for assisting the more experienced chefs in the kitchen, preparing ingredients, and learning the ins and outs of kitchen operations. He is a quick learner and is always eager to take on new challenges. He is also a team player and enjoys working closely with his colleagues to improve their skills and create delicious dishes.</p> <p>With his passion for food and his drive to succeed, Edward is a valuable asset to the restaurant and a promising young chef in the culinary world. His journey from not knowing what to do with his life to finding his passion in culinary arts is an inspiration for many.